Gamebandits: A YouTube user has created quite an online hit when he was able to use some console magic to cast a spell that made the mountain cough up all of 2,500 wheels of Skyrim cheese. (PC, PS3, , Xbox 360) 6h ago - The boys are back w...for read more visit
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Facebook's $100 billion IPO: By the numbers
Mark Zuckerberg may be one happy entrepreneur next year if projections that Facebook's IPO will leave him $24 billion richer come to pass. Photo: REUTERS/Brian Snyder SEE ALL 100 PHOTOS $24 billion Net w......for more information visit
iPad 3 to get Microsoft Office 2012
Microsoft is working on Office for the iPad, bringing its ubiquitous productivity suite to Apple's tablet for the first time. It may come as a surprise with Microsoft's own tablet-friendly Windows 8 OS in the offing, but a report in The Daily reveals tha...for more information please visit
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Britney Spears Beats Larry Page As Most Popular On Google+
Google+ took a big step toward being a more “normal” social network today, as Britney Spears passed Larry Page to be the most followed person on the service.
Move Over, Tech Celebs
Until now, the most popular people on Google+ have been technology celebrities, in particular first Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (who never posted to his Google+ account), then Google CEO Larry Page.
In contrast, the most followed people on Facebook and Twitter — more mature social networks — tend to be the same celebrities you find in real life, such as musicians and actors.
Spears Goes To Number One
Currently, Spears has 739,370 followers to (Britney Spears) her account on Google Plus:
And Page has 739,241 followers to (Larry page) his account:
Article source:
Monday, November 14, 2011
Jennifer Lopez, 42, dating dancer hunk, 24
Move over Demi, there's a new cougar on the block. Jennifer Lopez is reportedly dating a 24-year-old hunky hoofer from her traveling dance squad — 18 years her junior. London's Daily Mail caught back-up dancer Casper Smart trailing JLo in New York la...
Google reveals how it ranks websites
Google Inc offered a detailed glimpse into its secret process of ranking internet websites. SAN FRANCISCO: Google Inc offered a detailed glimpse into its secret process of ranking internet websites, publishing for the first time a list of recent tweaks ...
Google set to launch music store Wednesday
Google Inc., which will launch its long-rumored music store Wednesday, is still furiously working behind the scenes to get key music companies onboard with its plan to take on Apple Inc.'s iTunes and challenge numerous competing digital music services.
Apple's iTunes Match now available; feature costs $24.99 a year
For $24.99 a year, users can add music not purchased from iTunes -- such as songs imported from a CD or downloaded from other sources -- to his or her iCloud music collection. Music can then be played on any iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac or PC "whenever ...
Friday, November 4, 2011
English Movie Umbrage (2011) BluRay 480p[Adult 18+]
Drew CullinghamWriter:
Drew CullinghamStars:
Doug Bradley, Rita Ramnani and Jonnie HurnStory Summary: In the Old West, the assassination of an ageing cowboy is thwarted by a sultry vampiress, the would-be killer left for dead in the dust. A hundred years later an ancient obsidian mirror, long unearthed from the Mesopotamian desert, is liberated from an American collector's vault and illegally transported to Europe. Jacob, an unscrupulous antiques dealer, moves to a remote farmhouse with his pregnant young wife, Lauren, and his difficult ward, Rachel.
Size: 1.19GB
File Type: Avi
Click here to Download----Download
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Google Search Algorithm Change For Freshness To Impact 35% Of Searches; Twitter Firehose Remains Off

Google announced they are rolling out a new search algorithm change that helps make the search results “fresher.” The big news here is that besides for the results being fresher, the results will change for about 35% of all searches.
Caffeine Was Infrastructure, This Is Algorithmic
Fresher results can make for more relevant results, which is why Google moved over to the caffeine infrastructure last year. That was only an infrastructure change, to make sure Google can index, crawl and return results faster. Now Google changed their search algorithm to show fresher results, fresher than ever before.
Google said:
We completed our Caffeine web indexing system last year, which allows us to crawl and index the web for fresh content quickly on an enormous scale. Building upon the momentum from Caffeine, today we’re making a significant improvement to our ranking algorithm that impacts roughly 35 percent of searches and better determines when to give you more up-to-date relevant results for these varying degrees of freshness.
35% Of The Searches Are Impacted
That is larger than the Panda update which impacted 12% of the searches conducted.
What type of searches does it impact? Google said:
- Recent events or hot topics. For recent events or hot topics that begin trending on the web, you want to find the latest information immediately. Now when you search for current events like [occupy oakland protest], or for the latest news about the [nba lockout], you’ll see more high-quality pages that might only be minutes old.
- Regularly recurring events. Some events take place on a regularly recurring basis, such as annual conferences like [ICALP] or an event like the [presidential election]. Without specifying with your keywords, it’s implied that you expect to see the most recent event, and not one from 50 years ago. There are also things that recur more frequently, so now when you’re searching for the latest [NFL scores], [dancing with the stars] results or [exxon earnings], you’ll see the latest information.
- Frequent updates. There are also searches for information that changes often, but isn’t really a hot topic or a recurring event. For example, if you’re researching the [best slr cameras], or you’re in the market for a new car and want [subaru impreza reviews], you probably want the most up to date information.
Postscript From Danny Sullivan: Had a chance to get some questions answered from Google now, plus some addition issues, below….
Freshness Ranking Not New, Just Apparently Improved
It’s not new for Google to do a boost of fresh content. “Query Deserved Freshness” is a content ranking factor that dates back to 2007. The Caffeine update of last year made it possible, Google said, to gather content even faster, which in turn could potentially be ranked better.
So what’s different now? Apparently, freshness is getting even more rewarded, having an impact on one out of three searches. That’s huge — though it’s unclear what it was before. For all we know, 35% of searches were already being impacted by freshness ranking. The previous number was never stated (and yes, we’re checking with Google on this).
Postscript: Google says the change is providing “fresh” content for twice as many queries as before. In other words, the old “freshness” algorithm had an impact on about 17.5% of queries. Now it impacts double that figure, 35%.
Potential For “Freshness” Spam
There are potential downsides. Sometimes you do want to reward fresh content. But what’s fresh? If someone simply makes a small change to a page, does that give it a fresh boost? If someone reposts exactly the same content on a new page a day or two after initially posting it, is that fresh? Is when the page was first found define freshness, or is the first modified date used?
Does this open Google up to an even worse situation than can already happen with Google News now, where publishers file and refile stories in an effort to win the freshness race there, since the latest versions of stories often get top billing.
Rewarding freshness potentially introduces huge decreases in relevancy, new avenues for spamming or getting “light” content in. Most likely, Google’s going to use a combination ofsearch ranking factors to help qualify when it wants to trust something is both fresh and good.
Google wouldn’t say how “freshness” is being determined, but it did tell us in response to questions that being fresh wasn’t the only thing being rewarded:
Freshness is one component, but we also look at the content of the result, including topicality and quality.
Postscript: Google now tells us that one of the freshness factors — the way they determine if content is fresh or not — is the time when they first crawled a page. So if you publish a page, and then change that page, it doesn’t suddenly become “fresh.”
Freshest Info Still Missing: Twitter
Also unclear is the situation with Twitter. The largest amount of “fresh” information on the web are tweets. Despite the growth of Google+, the volume of tweets happening far eclipses the content there.
Google has been without timely access to tweets since July. It simply cannot crawl Twitter fast enough without receiving the “firehose” of Twitter data to keep up. Today’s announcement does nothing to solve this. Google is only introducing a ranking change, not an indexing change that brings in more tweets.
I asked about this issue, how Google still lacks the Twitter firehose and was told:
Often times when there’s breaking news, microblogs are the first to publish. We’re able to show results for recent events or hot topics within minutes of the page being indexed, but we’re always looking for ways we can serve you relevant information faster and will work to continue improving
35% Change Doesn’t Mean 35% Improvement
A final but important caveat. It’s important not to misinterpret the percentage Google gave out — a 35% change to its results — to mean they are 35% improved.
I saw this the first time we saw Google start talking about a percentage change to it search results, when the Panda Update was said to create at 12% impact. Some assumed that meant a 12% improvement. It didn’t.
We have no commonly accepted way of rating search engine result quality in a numeric fashion. No third party measures if Google or Bing’s results are “90%” good, for example. This means there’s no way to say whether something has improved by a particular percentage.
Google is clear what it means when it puts these percentages out. I’ve never seen them say that they’re to be interpreted as some type of improvement metric. But people do make that mistake — and shouldn’t.
Article source: Search Engine Land
I Spy English Movie [2002] BluRay 520p [Englisg to Hindi dub]
A professional athlete has to help a U.S. government agent recover a missing jet.
Betty ThomasWriters:
Morton S. Fine (characters), David Friedkin(characters)Stars:
Eddie Murphy, Owen Wilson and Famke JanssenClick here to download==Download
Size: 521MB
File Type: Mkv
Salman Butt, a man who had everything, faces a life of ignominy
Salman Butt has "lost everything" according to his counsel, due to the loose talk of his friend and former agent to an undercover journalist from the News of the World. Yet as Mazhar Majeed took his seat in the dock next to him on Wednesday, Butt unexpectedly engaged his nemesis in polite conversation.
Once Majeed's counsel had finished presenting his case for clemency to the court, however, the last embers of his friendship with Butt seemed finally to have been extinguished. The former batsman's accusing glare told of a deep sense of betrayal. Majeed's own face was a rictus of anguish as his counsel, seeking to mitigate the prison sentence he will surely receive for his part in a conspiracy to subvert cricket, held up Butt as the criminal mastermind. The version of events that unfolded was of a greedy, jealous young man, one not content with a princely fortune in excess of £1m. According to Majeed, Butt yearned for the still-greater wealth of team-mates from less comfortable backgrounds, whom he perceived to be enjoying the corrupt rewards of match-fixing.
Majeed's statement told the court that it was Butt who had put him in touch with "Sanjay", an illegal bookmaker in India who had previously been described to the court as "sinister", and that Butt was the instigator and the ringleader of the plot. Butt strenously denied knowing Sanjay.
It is difficult to know whom to believe. Yet that is the task facing Mr Justice Cooke on Thursday, as he considers the sentences to hand down against Majeed, Butt and the bowlers Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir.
At one stage Mark Milliken-Smith QC, for Majeed, addressed the court to relay his client's explanation that Butt had collected £10,000 from the plot to bowl three no-balls at Lord's. He said that Asif and Amir had received £65,000 and £2,500 respectively. As Milliken-Smith spelled out those figures, confused, angry expressions overtook the three convicted cricketers in the dock. This was the disintegration of a collapsed match-fixing ring that could cost all four men their liberty.
Butt is suffering an inner turmoil his stoical expression did not reflect: in the hour before his guilt was finally proven on Tuesday after a 22-day trial in courtroom four of Southwark crown court, his wife had been giving birth to his second child in Lahore. At the precise moment he might otherwise have been excitedly relaying happy news to friends and family, he was instead 6,000 miles away, listening to his legal team as they explained the likely custodial consequences of his criminal actions.
"He then had to make the phone call of his life to explain to his wife what this will mean," said Ali Bajwa QC. "His money is almost entirely gone. It has gone on [defending himself against International Cricket Council charges in] Doha, and on travelling to this country for this trial. The pressure he now feels is indescribable. There is no welfare state in Pakistan. Mr Butt cannot enjoy that peace of mind. A person who receives an immediate custodial sentence here can expect visits from their family. Mr Butt cannot expect that here. He has been in this country four weeks. He misses his son, with whom he has a very special bond, terribly.
"He did not sleep at all last night and has not eaten since [the verdict] either. He has received one hammer blow after the next for his involvement in that conspiracy. From losing the captaincy, suspension from cricket, loss of his money, his income, his honour, his reputation, his cricket career. Having lost everything as a result of his involvement in this conspiracy, he now has only his liberty and his family left to lose. He invites me to urge upon [the judge] any alternative than prison. He asks your lordship what a prison sentence would achieve."
One motive could be deterrence, and there are concerns that what has emerged here is scratching the surface. The judge heard assertions from Majeed's counsel that "Sanjay" had boasted of "his involvement with other players, not just in the subcontinent".
Majeed, with his daughters aged seven and five and his three-month-old son, is said to be beset with dread. "He accepts it has had a devastating effect on not only the sport of cricket itself but also the consequences on those who play and support the sport, not only the many millions of players but children as well," said Milliken-Smith of his client. "He knows he must be and will be punished for what he has done and admitted."
Amir, too, once the most promising cricketer of his generation, is now a man in ignominy, his head bowed throughout Wednesday's proceedings. "The best day of my life was when I was selected to play for Pakistan," he said in a statement read to the court. "I got my shirt the night before, I put it on and stood in front of the mirror for a very long time.
"If I could have I would have slept in it, but I didn't want to ruin the shirt. That moment was my dream as soon as I began to realise I could play well when I was 13. My only dream was to play cricket for Pakistan. I don't know what my future holds but I would like to say I have learnt a very hard lesson."
Mr Justice Cooke said: "An inference that could be drawn is that this was such a widespread activity in the team that a newcomer could be infected with the activity, as this was a norm."
If that is so, then those who are involved in match-fixing should read carefully what the convicted men are going through even before their fates have been decided.
Fixing is not just restricted to sub-continent: Lee
Pakistan might be in the eye of storm after guilty verdicts against three of its cricketers but Australian speedster Brett Lee believes match-fixing is not restricted to the sub-continent and can happen anywhere in the world.
But Lee maintained that he never felt anything suspicious about his colleagues against whom he has played so far in his career.
"What I will say publicly is that it's not just the subcontinent and I don't want to focus on Pakistan or India or people might think it's because (of) the subcontinent", the affable pacer was quoted as saying by the 'Australian Associated Press'.
"It's every day, (an) every walk of life type of thing and it's not just cricket.
"The most important thing is, I believe, that every time I walked out on the field, and the players that have played with me, there was certainly nothing that would ever make me think personally that there was something dodgy going on," he added.
In his new autobiography 'My Life', Lee writes about an incident when he was approached by a man with potential links to bookmakers during the 2009 Ashes series.
However, Lee said he has never been approached by anyone to deliberately alter his bowling to change the course of a match.
"We were in a bar/hotel set-up. A guy came and offered to buy us a drink. I just didn't feel right, reported it to the team manager and then it turned out that he was potentially, if not, a bookmaker," he said.
"There was nothing ever said but I just didn't feel right in that circumstance. I actually did walk away. Have I ever been asked to bowl (a particular way by a bookie)? No," said Lee.
Pakistan cricketers -- Salman Butt, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif -- are awaiting their fate in Southwark Crown Court in London after being convicted in the spot-fixing scandal that came to light last year.
The 34-year-old Australian said the corruption scandal has made players very apprehensive and wary of getting into a conversation with strangers.
"You guys might ask what's the pitch going to do tomorrow," he said.
"How do you answer that these days? It's sad that it could get to that state."
He said this scandal will tarnish cricket's image to an extent but the game would soon bounce back.
"It's sad more than anything because they've gone down a path unfortunately, whether through bad advice or just a bad call. They're going to pay the price," he said.
" ...It's a horrible moment because these young guys have got some serious talent.
"I do believe that cricket has got a great image. This will obviously tarnish it to a certain extent but I do believe that rather than focusing on the negatives that we can focus on the positives.
"Yes, it's an issue. It's hopefully been dealt with but I always look to the positives," he added.
But Lee maintained that he never felt anything suspicious about his colleagues against whom he has played so far in his career.
"What I will say publicly is that it's not just the subcontinent and I don't want to focus on Pakistan or India or people might think it's because (of) the subcontinent", the affable pacer was quoted as saying by the 'Australian Associated Press'.
"It's every day, (an) every walk of life type of thing and it's not just cricket.
"The most important thing is, I believe, that every time I walked out on the field, and the players that have played with me, there was certainly nothing that would ever make me think personally that there was something dodgy going on," he added.
In his new autobiography 'My Life', Lee writes about an incident when he was approached by a man with potential links to bookmakers during the 2009 Ashes series.
However, Lee said he has never been approached by anyone to deliberately alter his bowling to change the course of a match.
"We were in a bar/hotel set-up. A guy came and offered to buy us a drink. I just didn't feel right, reported it to the team manager and then it turned out that he was potentially, if not, a bookmaker," he said.
"There was nothing ever said but I just didn't feel right in that circumstance. I actually did walk away. Have I ever been asked to bowl (a particular way by a bookie)? No," said Lee.
Pakistan cricketers -- Salman Butt, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif -- are awaiting their fate in Southwark Crown Court in London after being convicted in the spot-fixing scandal that came to light last year.
The 34-year-old Australian said the corruption scandal has made players very apprehensive and wary of getting into a conversation with strangers.
"You guys might ask what's the pitch going to do tomorrow," he said.
"How do you answer that these days? It's sad that it could get to that state."
He said this scandal will tarnish cricket's image to an extent but the game would soon bounce back.
"It's sad more than anything because they've gone down a path unfortunately, whether through bad advice or just a bad call. They're going to pay the price," he said.
" ...It's a horrible moment because these young guys have got some serious talent.
"I do believe that cricket has got a great image. This will obviously tarnish it to a certain extent but I do believe that rather than focusing on the negatives that we can focus on the positives.
"Yes, it's an issue. It's hopefully been dealt with but I always look to the positives," he added.
Abhishek Bachchan wants a baby girl
As the date of Baby B's arrival is drawing close, speculation about everything related to parents-to-be Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan is increasing by the day.
Abhishek's buddy and fellow actor Sikandar Kher revealed on a television show recently that Abhi is keen on a baby girl. So much so that he couldn't stop reiterating, "He really wants a baby girl."
"I can't believe he's having a baby. He is anyway very kiddish. But I'm sure he will mature now," he added.
Wonder what Abhi has to say to that?
Abhishek's buddy and fellow actor Sikandar Kher revealed on a television show recently that Abhi is keen on a baby girl. So much so that he couldn't stop reiterating, "He really wants a baby girl."
"I can't believe he's having a baby. He is anyway very kiddish. But I'm sure he will mature now," he added.
Wonder what Abhi has to say to that?
Friday, September 2, 2011
A General View about Automatic Truck Loading System
Truck loading and unloading is such a need that all kinds of people are familiar with. It is really necessary while shifting from one place to another place. Apart from the domestic uses, truck loading is a kind of job that is abundantly happened in the industrial fields. Probably industrial fields require it most. Generally manual labor is used to load or unload trucks in small businesses where the quantity of products is very small. But most of the large engineering companies use wireless truck loading system. These wireless equipments are being used by the engineering companies in a wide range.
The job of loading or unloading trucks needs a great effort when it is done by applying manual effort. Manual process also is quite risky as there is always a chance of some accident. It is quite safe for your valuable products also. Any automation is always considered safe and it always needs less effort. It also saves your valuable time. That is the reason why most of the heavy-engineering companies, today, are using automatic loading equipment.
There is no doubt that in today's logistics and manufacturing environment automation plays an important role. But there are some issues also that we should always keep in mind while implementing these equipments for our own use. The first thing is that it is quite expensive to use in a long time need. As these equipments are quite heavy it is very difficult to move them with single effort.
Another chief aspect about this equipment is that they are made with complex mechanical and software devices. If any modification is needed we have to call a certified engineer only. If you are not a professional of this field or if you are not directly related with this equipment, you are advised not to apply your own effort to modify it. It could be harmful for you and your machine also. When a significant part of these systems fails, the whole system usually goes down.
In spite of these problems, using wireless truck loading equipment is always useful as they have some advantages. First of all, these products really provide high capacity of service. They can serve you a large amount of your job within a few minutes. Most of the wireless loading devices are made with high loading speed. Another advantage of these products is that they are very compact and they are easy to integrate with any of your existing operation. While using they improve the shipping accuracy. They will surely reduce labor cost and product damage.
They are safe to use as they reduces fork lift related accidents. They are also very flexible. They can handle any type of pallet, slip sheet, skid, rack or other unitized products. They can even work with non modified trucks, trailers and containers. Most of these automated devices can perform both loading and unloading service. They can even work with straight or zigzag doors.
These devices can be run by using normal plant power but you can also use batteries to run them. Nowadays, most of companies offer radio truck loading systems with proper warranty. They also provide other necessary equipments like hand held joysticks, charger, leather case etc.
Article Source:
The job of loading or unloading trucks needs a great effort when it is done by applying manual effort. Manual process also is quite risky as there is always a chance of some accident. It is quite safe for your valuable products also. Any automation is always considered safe and it always needs less effort. It also saves your valuable time. That is the reason why most of the heavy-engineering companies, today, are using automatic loading equipment.
There is no doubt that in today's logistics and manufacturing environment automation plays an important role. But there are some issues also that we should always keep in mind while implementing these equipments for our own use. The first thing is that it is quite expensive to use in a long time need. As these equipments are quite heavy it is very difficult to move them with single effort.
Another chief aspect about this equipment is that they are made with complex mechanical and software devices. If any modification is needed we have to call a certified engineer only. If you are not a professional of this field or if you are not directly related with this equipment, you are advised not to apply your own effort to modify it. It could be harmful for you and your machine also. When a significant part of these systems fails, the whole system usually goes down.
In spite of these problems, using wireless truck loading equipment is always useful as they have some advantages. First of all, these products really provide high capacity of service. They can serve you a large amount of your job within a few minutes. Most of the wireless loading devices are made with high loading speed. Another advantage of these products is that they are very compact and they are easy to integrate with any of your existing operation. While using they improve the shipping accuracy. They will surely reduce labor cost and product damage.
They are safe to use as they reduces fork lift related accidents. They are also very flexible. They can handle any type of pallet, slip sheet, skid, rack or other unitized products. They can even work with non modified trucks, trailers and containers. Most of these automated devices can perform both loading and unloading service. They can even work with straight or zigzag doors.
These devices can be run by using normal plant power but you can also use batteries to run them. Nowadays, most of companies offer radio truck loading systems with proper warranty. They also provide other necessary equipments like hand held joysticks, charger, leather case etc.
Article Source:
Commercial Cleaning Services-Important Things to Consider
If you are thinking to appoint a commercial cleaning service provider for the maintenance and upkeep of your office then you are moving at the right path. Hiring a professional agency to maintain the cleanliness of your commercial place is always the right decision. As these professionals are well equipped and trained with modern techniques, they will always provide the best job. You will get the scope to represent your office or business place totally neat and clean in front of your client's eyes. By increasing the cleanliness of the environment you can also create a good impression about your business.
Thousands of agencies are waiting for your approval to clean your place. You just have to order them, after that they will turn your place into a totally neat and clean. But before appointing a professional cleaning service agency you have to keep some points in your mind. The first thing is to have a clear view about what type of cleanliness you are expecting form the service provider. You must know all the cleaning requirements of your organization. You should also think about the size of your organization. If you need to clean a large place you must appoint an experienced and large company otherwise you can contact any small service provider.
Another thing to consider is to choose a valid service provider. It is important to choose an insured service provider that has valid license. This will protect you from any liability. There are some inexperienced clean-up service providers who don't take any responsibility about your valuable product. Using an irresponsible service provider will lead to any unwanted loss of products and injury. You should also know about the type of services that the particular company will provide. Some company can provide good floor cleanliness, some can provide curtain maintenance and cleaning, some are good in machinery cleaning. It is to you to choose a company as per your own needs.
You are advised to make a good deal about all the payments before hiring any professional clean-up service provider. Otherwise you can face many unwanted trouble and argument about the fees. Some companies offer their service weekly or monthly in a special payment package. You can also go for them.
Another important thing is customer service. So many companies are there that provide service and go away. After that they never pay any attention to you even when you ask them for help. Clean up service is a kind of responsibility. Today, most of the companies maintain a 24 hours customer care helpline number. They are always ready to help their customer even after the completion of their service. It is good to choose those companies.
While dealing the payments, you should also keep some basic points in your mind. Low price always doesn't mean good service. Sometimes you have to consider the matter that money doesn't prove service. You must stress on both the quality and prices at one time.
Article Source:
Massive Advantages of Outdoor Banners
During these days Inflatable advertising came into the market. But it has got the highest popularity within a few days. Basically exceptional thing attracts people a lot. No doubt this is an effectual method to grip the attention of customers. The traditional advertisement helps in advertisement a lot. But truly speaking nowadays it is not so much well-liked in international marketplace.
Now most of the reputed company uses inflatable advertising for its effectiveness, low cost and high popularity. Definitely with the inflatable product you can hit the specific targeted audience and save money. Apart from that you can also generate a good image on customer mind due to the unique and novel nature of this advertising medium.
There is no doubt that it is an affordable option in any part of the country. Some people really think that the inflatable products are costly. But a true fact is that most of the companies can afford this without any hesitation. There are many reasons to use this inflatable advertising. Apart from that outdoor banners are also popular in advertisement. There are several reasons to use this. These are:
Great visibility: No doubt visibility is one of the main important factors of advertisement. We should consider gravely when we opt for outdoor banners. And this banner can reach out to thousands of people within a moment. A buy street and road side is always the main target and high ways are the best place for the outdoor banners. But right place is very significant for the outdoor banners. And also there are other strategic places where the targeted customers gather. Nowadays these are highly helpful as you can customize your banner and incorporate your own plans and ideas.
Make the best outdoor banners: Basically visual appeals very important aspect and your banners. Before you advertisement your product you must choose appropriate color and images and definitely your products massages. If you are less innovative, you can take help from some banner makers. They will give you all kind of suggestion for the banners. Other wise if you are more resourceful you can design your own banner and put your own exceptional views on it. Nowadays there are many reputed maker take order from the company. There is no doubt that they do the best for their clients.
This is Weatherproof: If you are buying banners for product promotion, please checkout the quality and weather proof. Actually you should know that how strong you’re banner. Now the manufacturer makes waterproof Ultra violet protective.
It is Less Expensive: Definitely small scale venders always think about the cost and budget. In that case these are really beyond their reach. They can use it easily with happily.
Article Source:
Now most of the reputed company uses inflatable advertising for its effectiveness, low cost and high popularity. Definitely with the inflatable product you can hit the specific targeted audience and save money. Apart from that you can also generate a good image on customer mind due to the unique and novel nature of this advertising medium.
There is no doubt that it is an affordable option in any part of the country. Some people really think that the inflatable products are costly. But a true fact is that most of the companies can afford this without any hesitation. There are many reasons to use this inflatable advertising. Apart from that outdoor banners are also popular in advertisement. There are several reasons to use this. These are:
Great visibility: No doubt visibility is one of the main important factors of advertisement. We should consider gravely when we opt for outdoor banners. And this banner can reach out to thousands of people within a moment. A buy street and road side is always the main target and high ways are the best place for the outdoor banners. But right place is very significant for the outdoor banners. And also there are other strategic places where the targeted customers gather. Nowadays these are highly helpful as you can customize your banner and incorporate your own plans and ideas.
Make the best outdoor banners: Basically visual appeals very important aspect and your banners. Before you advertisement your product you must choose appropriate color and images and definitely your products massages. If you are less innovative, you can take help from some banner makers. They will give you all kind of suggestion for the banners. Other wise if you are more resourceful you can design your own banner and put your own exceptional views on it. Nowadays there are many reputed maker take order from the company. There is no doubt that they do the best for their clients.
This is Weatherproof: If you are buying banners for product promotion, please checkout the quality and weather proof. Actually you should know that how strong you’re banner. Now the manufacturer makes waterproof Ultra violet protective.
It is Less Expensive: Definitely small scale venders always think about the cost and budget. In that case these are really beyond their reach. They can use it easily with happily.
Article Source:
Monday, July 4, 2011
Three-ball walk gives Padres a 1-0 win over Mariners
When does three pitches equal a walk? When the scoreboard operator at Safeco Field has the balls and strikes count wrong, apparently.
During the fifth inning of the Seattle Mariners' 1-0 loss to the San Diego Padres on Saturday, Padres center fielder Cameron Maybin(notes) drew a walk on what everyone in the ballpark believed to be a full 3-2 count. The only problem was that Mariners pitcher Doug Fister(notes) had only thrown three balls in the at-bat.
How does that happen? Isn't the home plate umpire keeping track of balls and strikes? Yes, and Phil Cuzzi had the count right at 2-2. But when he looked up at the scoreboard and saw the 3-2 count, Cuzzi believed he'd made a mistake. So Fister was issued ball four and Maybin was awarded first base.
The really crazy part is that Fister, nor any of the Mariners players, nor any field personnel from the dugout, said a thing about it.
Following the game, Seattle manager Eric Wedge admitted that, yep, he missed that one.
"Ultimately it's our job to watch the game,'' he said. "It's a mistake. A 1-0 ball game, obviously it means a great deal. But it still doesn't change the fact that we've got to score a run to win.''
Maybin said he didn't realize the error, either. (But even if he had, would he have copped to it afterwards? Perhaps.)
"I didn't know; I thought it was a full count," Maybin said. "I thought it was ball four and I headed toward first. No one said anything. Weird. I just heard about it (after the game) that it was only ball three."
The three-ball walk to Maybin was costly for the Mariners, as he eventually came around to score on an Alberto Gonzalez(notes) single. That ended up being the game's only run, as the Seattle lineup only mustered two hits against Cory Luebke(notes) and three Padres relievers.
After Maybin scored, word began to buzz around the field and press box that a mistake had been made. But since no one protested and play kept going, the umpiring crew had to wait until the game had ended to review the play. Sure enough, they discovered that the count should have been 3-2 when Maybin was given the walk.
"My plate umpire thought his count was wrong. The scoreboard had 3-2 and he thought he was wrong because when Maybin took off for first, nobody said anything," (crew chief Tom) Hallion said. "The catcher didn't react, the dugout didn't react so he thought he had the wrong count."
Fister pitched a complete game, allowing just that one run along with six hits in what has to be one of the toughest losses he's ever experienced. Everyone — umpires, manager, teammates, scoreboard operator — ended up letting him down by missing that call.
During the fifth inning of the Seattle Mariners' 1-0 loss to the San Diego Padres on Saturday, Padres center fielder Cameron Maybin(notes) drew a walk on what everyone in the ballpark believed to be a full 3-2 count. The only problem was that Mariners pitcher Doug Fister(notes) had only thrown three balls in the at-bat.
How does that happen? Isn't the home plate umpire keeping track of balls and strikes? Yes, and Phil Cuzzi had the count right at 2-2. But when he looked up at the scoreboard and saw the 3-2 count, Cuzzi believed he'd made a mistake. So Fister was issued ball four and Maybin was awarded first base.
The really crazy part is that Fister, nor any of the Mariners players, nor any field personnel from the dugout, said a thing about it.
Following the game, Seattle manager Eric Wedge admitted that, yep, he missed that one.
"Ultimately it's our job to watch the game,'' he said. "It's a mistake. A 1-0 ball game, obviously it means a great deal. But it still doesn't change the fact that we've got to score a run to win.''
Maybin said he didn't realize the error, either. (But even if he had, would he have copped to it afterwards? Perhaps.)
"I didn't know; I thought it was a full count," Maybin said. "I thought it was ball four and I headed toward first. No one said anything. Weird. I just heard about it (after the game) that it was only ball three."
The three-ball walk to Maybin was costly for the Mariners, as he eventually came around to score on an Alberto Gonzalez(notes) single. That ended up being the game's only run, as the Seattle lineup only mustered two hits against Cory Luebke(notes) and three Padres relievers.
After Maybin scored, word began to buzz around the field and press box that a mistake had been made. But since no one protested and play kept going, the umpiring crew had to wait until the game had ended to review the play. Sure enough, they discovered that the count should have been 3-2 when Maybin was given the walk.
"My plate umpire thought his count was wrong. The scoreboard had 3-2 and he thought he was wrong because when Maybin took off for first, nobody said anything," (crew chief Tom) Hallion said. "The catcher didn't react, the dugout didn't react so he thought he had the wrong count."
Fister pitched a complete game, allowing just that one run along with six hits in what has to be one of the toughest losses he's ever experienced. Everyone — umpires, manager, teammates, scoreboard operator — ended up letting him down by missing that call.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
"Pirates" treasure mounts to $1 billion worldwide (Reuters)
LOS ANGELES (TheWrap) - Disney on Saturday confirmed that its fourth "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, "On Stranger Tides," has grossed more than $1 billion worldwide since its May 20 release.
The film represents the second top-grossing "Pirates" film, and will now set its target on 2006's "Dead Man's Chest," which took in $1.066 billion worldwide.
At $756.1 million going into the weekend, "On Stranger Tides" is the third biggest international ticket seller of all time among all time, beaten only by James Cameron's "Avatar" ($2.02 billion) and "Titanic" ($1.24 billion).
While domestic box office performance for "Pirates 4" has trailed the three previous films in the franchise, the movie's international performance is nothing short of extraordinary.
Here, thanks to Disney's public relations department, are some fun "On Stranger Tides" fast facts (well, fun if you're a Walt Disney Co. shareholder):
* Eighth film in history to reach the $1 billion threshold.
* Third Disney film in less than 18 months to gross $1 billion globally ("Alice in Wonderland" was the other).
* The Walt Disney Studios' fourth title to earn $1 billion.
* No. 3 film of all time at the international box office.
* Crossed the $500 million international threshold in a record-setting 14 days.
* Crossed the $800 million global threshold in only 20 days, the second fastest ever to reach this milestone.
* Set a new industry speed record by crossing the $700 million global threshold in only 16 days.
* Disney's biggest international release ever.
* The biggest "Pirates of the Caribbean" installment in 58 territories.
* Highest-grossing Disney film ever released in China and Russia.
* Nearing $100 million in Japan, where it's been No. 1 for all six weeks of release.
The film represents the second top-grossing "Pirates" film, and will now set its target on 2006's "Dead Man's Chest," which took in $1.066 billion worldwide.
At $756.1 million going into the weekend, "On Stranger Tides" is the third biggest international ticket seller of all time among all time, beaten only by James Cameron's "Avatar" ($2.02 billion) and "Titanic" ($1.24 billion).
While domestic box office performance for "Pirates 4" has trailed the three previous films in the franchise, the movie's international performance is nothing short of extraordinary.
Here, thanks to Disney's public relations department, are some fun "On Stranger Tides" fast facts (well, fun if you're a Walt Disney Co. shareholder):
* Eighth film in history to reach the $1 billion threshold.
* Third Disney film in less than 18 months to gross $1 billion globally ("Alice in Wonderland" was the other).
* The Walt Disney Studios' fourth title to earn $1 billion.
* No. 3 film of all time at the international box office.
* Crossed the $500 million international threshold in a record-setting 14 days.
* Crossed the $800 million global threshold in only 20 days, the second fastest ever to reach this milestone.
* Set a new industry speed record by crossing the $700 million global threshold in only 16 days.
* Disney's biggest international release ever.
* The biggest "Pirates of the Caribbean" installment in 58 territories.
* Highest-grossing Disney film ever released in China and Russia.
* Nearing $100 million in Japan, where it's been No. 1 for all six weeks of release.
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